Why is Jerusalem important?
The question was asked, "why is Jerusalem so important?"
These two maps help explain my answer. One map is from Anglo-Saxon England, in 1040 AD, before William the Conqueror arrived, and the Mappa Mundi from Hereford is a map from 1300. Both maps show the point of view of the first 1300 years AD, with Jerusalem as the centre of the known world.
Jerusalem is central to three religions, and as such holds a deeply spiritual and almost mythical quality for people of faith and non faith alike.
Sadly the three Abrahamic faiths have shed rivers of each others' blood over the white stones of Jerusalem, just when a sense of brotherhood should have been paramount. Using faith as an excuse for extreme violence to others is not celebrated in any faith. The Qu'ran advises not to harm the Jews or the Christian as they are brothers; Jesus gives a clear message when he gives the Samaritan (non Jew) as the example of the good neighbour; as did the example of Ruth in Jewish scripture, who came from the region now in Jordan, and became King David 's grandmother.
Jerusalem has embodied the best and worst of people, the hope for closeness with God; and the cruelties of human when they put themselves above God.
Jerusalem continues to be the centre of the spiritual world for Christians, Jews, and with Mecca, is important historically to Muslims too. Controlling Jerusalem may be seen as in part proving closeness (or control?!) of God Himself. It is unsurprising that Donald Trump wants to mark his 'reign' by stamping Jerusalem with his embassy.
But in my humble opinion, Jerusalem will only live up to spiritual standards when all who are there can live in peace and freedom, free to worship where and how they wish, free from fear and discrimination from others.
Jesus wept at his first view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives; I am sure God is weeping still.
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