Makloubeh- an additional recipe, taken from my notes when we met the lovely ladies on Saturday


Lamb or chicken pieces- or chickpeas/ soya protein/ other vegetarian ingredient
Spices- whole or ground (cumin, black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, a little nutmeg (or allspice), fried cardamom
Vegetables- cauliflower, carrots, aubergine, potatoes (or whatever you have/prefer)
Vermicelli, a smallish amount


*Boil meat (lamb or chicken) in water with chopped onion, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, a little nutmeg (or allspice), fried cardamom, for 15-20 minutes.
*Cut the vegetables into chunks and slice potatoes into rounds (4mm) and fry in batches in 2cm oil, or deep fry, till slightly browned all over.
*Put the rice in warm water to soak for 15 minutes ( not necessary if using basmati )
*Fry the rice vermicelli, broken into short strands (uncooked) in a little oil, until browned
*Mix together the drained rice and vermicelli

Assembling the Makloubeh

*Put a few sliced tomatoes and garlic in the bottom of a sufficiently large pot
*Put a little rice on top of the tomatoes (I forgot this mini layer and it seemed fine)
Add salt to taste as you layer
*Put the meat or chicken, or chickpeas/meat substitute/ tofu or whatever layer in
*Line the pot wall with the potato slices, placing them vertically
*Layer up the vegetables
*Add the rice last, making sure it falls down into any spaces and down the sides
*Pour the stock in carefully, covering the rice layer fully
*Press the rice down a little and put the lid on
*Start on a high heat, till bubbling- 10 minutes
*Lower heat and cook on low for approximately another 20 minutes-until all liquid is absorbed and rice cooked.
Check during cooking and add stock or water if it becomes dry
*Turn off the heat and leave to steam for 5/10 minutes.

Turning out the Makloubeh

Put a large platter on top of the pot, then invert the pot so it is sitting upside down on the platter. (It shouldn’t- but if a lot of liquid runs out, mop or spoon it up.)
Leave to settle for 5 minutes.
Get your audience together and lift the pot straight up off the Makloubeh, which should stand up- looking and smelling wonderful!

Serve with 

Palestinian salad of chopped (small dice) tomato, cucumber, parsley, mint, lemon juice and a little salt

And here is my attempt- 

I forgot to use turmeric- but it tasted pretty good, just not yellow!


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